May 3rd is the National Day of Poland, also known as Constitution Day (Święto Trzeciego Maja). This day commemorates the establishment of the Constitution of May 3rd, which is one of the most important holidays in Polish history. Lithuania also shares this holiday with Poland.
On this day, the capital of Poland, Warsaw, hosts various celebrations to commemorate this important occasion. The President lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and holds an awards ceremony at the Presidential Palace. Additionally, Warsaw hosts a grand military parade, where troops march from the Warsaw Royal Castle Square through the Royal Route to the city center, showcasing the splendor of the Polish military to the citizens and visitors along the way.
Throughout Poland, the atmosphere is filled with joy and celebration on this day. People dress in traditional Polish national attire and participate in various festivities and ceremonies. Families come together to share delicious traditional cuisine and enjoy this special day.